Slogan : A town that is emerged from past technologies , it could be raised with new ideas, " Pueblo que sucumbe a tecnologías pasadas, sucumbe en el campo de la ignorancia y se entierra en sus ideales"


Take in mind dear student if you read carefully, you can do the homework as well as possible this TASK :
1.- Introduce yourself and write two objectives to complete in this new year.
2.- Read and research about a famous person from the past. Example Albert Einstein, Faraday etc.

Complete excercises

Where did they live?...............................................................
Why were they famous?..........................................................................

NAME………………………………….     Course………………..    Date:……………………..
1.-Substitute the underlined words with correct  Subject pronoun

1. Peter and Paul (……..) study   french and German.
2. The cat (…….) is in the garden
3.- Do Mandy and you (…..) live golf?
4.- Does your sister (…..) sing well?
5.- Dr Swam (…….) visits his patients in the morning
6.- Do the students (…..) do the homework?
7.- You and I (……) live in Spain
8.- Do Sam and Paula (…..) meet after school?
9.- My mom (…….) cooks really well.
10.-The supermarket (……) closes at midnight
11.- The books (……) are on the table
12.- When do you and Sally (……..) play tennis this week?

2.-Substitute the underlined words with  correct pronoun

1.- Tom comes to the cinema with  Paul and I (……)
2.- Do you play with your children  (…….)  after dinner?
3.- Pam takes her dog (……) for walks in the morning
4.- Does Sue study with her brother  (……)?
5.- Mr Postman delivers  our letters (…..)
6.- I usually meet Pam (…..) on Friday afternoom.
7.- Tom goes to school with his friends (-----)
8.-Does mom feed the baby (…..)?
9.- Can you pass the newspapers (…….) to Carlos (….) please?
10.- Do you eat apples (…….), Tom?
11.- Mary send e mails ( …..) to her boyfriend (…..)
12.- James is with his grandmother (….)

3.- Select the correct answer.

1.- ………. is in class with …….. (Her /us  - she/we   - she/us)

2.- Does…………. use a laptop at home?
usually goes out with…………… (He      -  it-  her)

3.- This is  my  friend.  ……. usually goes out with……..(She/they   -her/them  - She/them)

4.- Do…………. eat pasta? No, I dont like….   (We/it  -you/it -you/her)

5.- We don`t talk to Sam. We`re angry with………(He- him       -his).

6.- Can you pass……… the sugar, Terry?  ( You -  I -me)

7.- When do you do homework?. I do ….. after school . (them   -  it       -he)

8.- Give…….to………please.  (I/it      it/I     it/me ).

 4.- Correct the sentences if they are wrong.

1.- My friend Sue is fantastic. I love she ………………………………………………

2.- Do you play tennis with they?…………………………………….

3.- My brother hates hamburgers. She never eats it.………………………………………

4.- Do you come with Sue and I?………………………………………

5.- The boys don`t play  with her because her is very unfriendly.…………………………………………………….

6.- Does him like cooking? Yes, he does.………………………………………….

7.- Sarah never listens to him sister.………………………………………..

8.- Paul and Mary don´t invite we  to parties ……………………………………………

Please put parents´   sign this work !

Localización: Sector de Turubamba , parroquia Chillogallo calles Av. Morán Valverde, entre Borbón S 26 y Malvas.

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