martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012

School Magazine

In this school year 2012-2013 is good to have news ideas, thoughts,  feelings and expectations in order to reach the goals, so that we have new way  to  work   according  the  LOEI (Ley Orgánica de   Educación Intercultural  (2011) in article 19, that  the Ecuadorian government will plan, organize,  provide and  optimize  ecuadorian  services  considering the following criteria : technical, pedagogical, technological, cultural and lingguistic. It is also define the basic quality and mandatory requirements for the manning of schools.
Finally it is important to mention from now  we will wok according CFR(Common European Framework)
of Reference for Languages, it  has  been recognized  internationally; it is not   used  only by the  European Community, but also by many other countries, such as: Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Taiwan, China and  the United  States of America  among others.

Journal Bulletin

English is important to study everyday because the communicative functional approach proposed from now for the English curriculum  is  harder than last years that is to say for 8th, 9th, 10th year of EGB and 1st, 2nd, 3rd  years of  Bachillerato , are  based in the premise  of promoting  productive  skills   through  the use  of authentic language  in order to  acquire the target language.
During this school year ecuadorian students who are in 8th ,9th years of EGB will study as a A1 level and will achieve as high level A1.1, so  9th and 10th  will  achieve B1 level   in  progress  etc, by he time  they graduate from High School while students in 1st, 2nd, 3th years of the bachillerato program will accomplish as high as a true A2.2 to  level which is the ultimate goal of this adjustment (until 2018).

Typical Rhytms

Around the world there are different types of typical rhythms depending on the country or region, for example in Ecuador we have in Esmeraldas province from the Coast region La Marimba, la Salsa which they are originated from african rhythm  similar in el Chota Valley from Imbabura province  besides here we have other popular dances as well The Sanjuanito is a typical dance from the Highlands of Ecuador.
And we have also other rhythms in el Oriente or jungle region when native people from there dance in special ceremonies.
Nowdays we have a lot of examples of types music and according to types of music or musical  group many teenagers dance in different ways becoming in new musical rhythms , all this happen because our youth is called the new generation .
THE NEW GENERATION is also a musical group who come from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds.They have a common language, English, and they share one common interest, music.
In Latin America  or latino music is very popular all over the world. Latino music has many different styles, rhythms and sounds. Perhaps the most famous are  the dances from Brazil, the samba and the lambada.
Dances such  as the samba came from Africa originally too but samba is now  typically Brazilian.
Another famous dance is the Tango. This dance is originated in Argentina. It  started in the bars of Buenos Aires.
Bolivia has the Huainito this is similar to Sanjuanito . And  the Cumbia is typical in Colombia, and Ecuador as well.Interestingly, pop singers such as Shakira mix Latin Rhythms from other cultures such as Arabic music. latino music is also mixed with rock  and other pop music.

Band music

In this school there is a special Martial music band, where many students are guaranteed to learn and  show us many performances in  many cultural and social events in the street , in other schools as guest, however there are some students who has many skills  in drums, clarinets, and other types of musical instruments..

Tae kwon Do




Mecánica Industrial

Con sus especializaciones de Mecanizado y Construcciones Metálicas, estudiantes preparados de forma integral con calidad y calidez, respetando su diversidad, provistos de principios y valores, basados en el desarrollo de Competencias y capacidades para incursionar en el mundo laboral y con oportunidades para continuar los estudios superiores.


Con sus especializaciones de Instalaciones y Máquinas Eléctricas.


Con sus especializaciones de Electrónica de Consumo.

Mecánica Automotriz

Con sus especializaciones de Mecánica y Electromecánica Automotriz.


School History:
Miguel de Santiago School is an Ecuadorian Public School of secondary level students, its ideological  thought and its performance is agreed to values, good orientation based in a modern Pedagogy of  SUMAKAWSAY in this new Era.

This Institution was created by 1970  and renewed until 1976 with new tendency to get new specializations according to work in an interactive classes and practicing in work place.

Nowdays Miguel de Santiago School offers International Bachillerato in a modern building located 
in the southern part of  Quito Capital city in Ecuador Republic in South America.

El Colegio Técnico Industrial “ Miguel de Santiago” como Institución Educativa Pública del Estado Ecuatoriano, fundamenta su pensamiento ideológico y su actuación acorde a los principios y orientaciones de la pedagogía moderna.

Este centro educativo se crea mediante decreto presidencial No. 771 del 11 de Noviembre de 1970 en la administración del Dr. José María Velasco Ibarra. Posteriormente a través de la Resolución No. 2259 del 17 de Septiembre de 1976 autoriza el funcionamiento del Primer Curso del Ciclo Diversificado con especialidad en H.H.M.M.en las modalidades de Físico Matemático, Químico Biólogo, Ciencias Sociales, y el Primer curso de carrera corta con un año de estudios – Post Ciclo Básico en Electromecánica .

Mediante la Resolución 7843 del 30 de Noviembre de 1981 se cambia el nombre de Colegio Nacional Miguel de Santiago por COLEGIO TÉCNICO INDUSTRIAL “MIGUEL DE SANTIAGO”, consecuentes con los requerimientos de la sociedad actual.

Frente a las exigencias educativas que plantea el nuevo milenio a partir del año lectivo 2008-2009 el MEC. Autoriza la creación de las nuevas especialidades técnicas las mismas que las mantenemos hasta el día de hoy.

domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2012

Slogan : " Pueblo que sucumbe a tecnologías pasadas, sucumbe en el campo de la ignorancia y se entierra en sus ideales"

Localización: Sector de Turubamba , parroquia Chillogallo calles Av. Morán Valverde, entre Borbón S 26 y Malvas.