martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012

Typical Rhytms

Around the world there are different types of typical rhythms depending on the country or region, for example in Ecuador we have in Esmeraldas province from the Coast region La Marimba, la Salsa which they are originated from african rhythm  similar in el Chota Valley from Imbabura province  besides here we have other popular dances as well The Sanjuanito is a typical dance from the Highlands of Ecuador.
And we have also other rhythms in el Oriente or jungle region when native people from there dance in special ceremonies.
Nowdays we have a lot of examples of types music and according to types of music or musical  group many teenagers dance in different ways becoming in new musical rhythms , all this happen because our youth is called the new generation .
THE NEW GENERATION is also a musical group who come from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds.They have a common language, English, and they share one common interest, music.
In Latin America  or latino music is very popular all over the world. Latino music has many different styles, rhythms and sounds. Perhaps the most famous are  the dances from Brazil, the samba and the lambada.
Dances such  as the samba came from Africa originally too but samba is now  typically Brazilian.
Another famous dance is the Tango. This dance is originated in Argentina. It  started in the bars of Buenos Aires.
Bolivia has the Huainito this is similar to Sanjuanito . And  the Cumbia is typical in Colombia, and Ecuador as well.Interestingly, pop singers such as Shakira mix Latin Rhythms from other cultures such as Arabic music. latino music is also mixed with rock  and other pop music.

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