martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012

School Magazine

In this school year 2012-2013 is good to have news ideas, thoughts,  feelings and expectations in order to reach the goals, so that we have new way  to  work   according  the  LOEI (Ley Orgánica de   Educación Intercultural  (2011) in article 19, that  the Ecuadorian government will plan, organize,  provide and  optimize  ecuadorian  services  considering the following criteria : technical, pedagogical, technological, cultural and lingguistic. It is also define the basic quality and mandatory requirements for the manning of schools.
Finally it is important to mention from now  we will wok according CFR(Common European Framework)
of Reference for Languages, it  has  been recognized  internationally; it is not   used  only by the  European Community, but also by many other countries, such as: Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Taiwan, China and  the United  States of America  among others.

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